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Pit bulls are considered one of the most dangerous dog breeds across the country. We hear stories every day about a pit bull or similar breed attacking a person and causing serious personal injuries. For more information on the most dangerous dog breeds, visit our page on dog bites and animal attacks HERE and our previous blog HERE.

To combat the dog attacks by pit bulls and similar dangerous dog breeds, many cities across the country have enacted breed-specific legislation, banning dangerous breeds, including many cities in Illinois. In Barry, Illinois, the local city ordinance completely bans pit bulls within the city limits.  The ordinance defines a “pit bull dog” as any (1) bull terrier breed, (2) Staffordshire bull terrier, (3) American pit bull terrier, (4) American Staffordshire terrier, and (5) any dog mixed with the listed breeds. Under the ordinance, a person found possessing a pit bull within the city limits is subjected to a fine of up to $750.00.

Similarly, the Village of Buffalo Grove “restricts” two dangerous breeds – pit bulls and rottweilers in its local city ordinance. Under the ordinance, the owner of a pit bull or rottweiler must install a “special enclosure” and keep the dog in the enclosure at all times the dog is not inside the owner’s residence. Furthermore, the owner must display signage on their property warning the public of the dog’s presence. Continue reading

Part Two: What is a Dangerous or Vicious Dog?

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, it is imperative to know your rights as a dog bite victim. For more information on the overall process of declaring a dog dangerous or vicious, visit Part One of our series on dangerous and vicious dogs HERE and visit our page on dog bites and animal attacks HERE. Part Two of our series on dangerous and vicious dogs, below, focuses on the factors used in determining whether a dog is dangerous or vicious.

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What is a Lien?

In personal injury cases, a lien is a right of a creditor to get paid from a personal injury settlement. A lien allows the injured party to not have to worry about paying their medical bills until the case has settled. Once the personal injury case has been settled, the creditor will be paid from the personal injury settlement. In order for a lien to be valid, the creditor (called the lienholder) must notify both the injured person and the at-fault person (call the tortfeasor) of the lien. The lien must contain the name and address of the injured person, the date of injury, the name and address of the lienholder, and the name of the tortfeasor. 770 ILCS 23/10(b).

There are several types of liens that can be placed against a personal injury claim. The first type of lien is a healthcare lien, governed by the Health Care Services Act. 770 ILCS 23/1. Under the Act, a hospital, doctor, or physical therapist that has provided services to the injured person may place a lien against that person’s personal injury claim. For more information on how healthcare liens work, see our previous blog HERE. Continue reading

Part One: The Process

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, you will need to know your rights in having that dog declared dangerous or vicious. Determining whether a dog is deemed dangerous or vicious is governed by both the Animal Control Act and by local city and county ordinances. For more information about the Animal Control Act, visit our previous blog HERE. In DuPage County, Chapter 5 of the DuPage County Code of Ordinances governs dog bite investigations.

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Every year, more than 10,000 people die in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. That’s one accident every 51 minutes. In Illinois, over 300 people are killed by drunk drivers each year.

When you drive, you face a serious and potentially life-threatening risk that there may be an impaired or intoxicated driver on the road. In Naperville, a drunk driver recently caused the deaths of two young DuPage County residents. While impaired driving also includes sleepy drivers and those impaired by illegal drugs or certain medications, drunk driving is a grave issue that needs to be addressed.
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As a main artery for commuters in Naperville and Aurora, Illinois Route 59 has been a constant source of frustration for DuPage County drivers. More than 50,000 vehicles travel Route 59 each day. Heavy traffic often leads to delays of up to thirty minutes. Congested traffic along Route 59 has also led to numerous motor vehicle accidents, with as many as 400 traffic accidents recorded each year.

Kane County and DuPage County have seen extensive growth and urbanization in recent years, which has led to increased traffic along Route 59 and the surrounding corridor. To increase traffic flow and improve roadway safety, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has begun a construction project along Route 59 between Ferry Road and New York/Aurora Avenue in Naperville. The construction project began April 21, 2014, and is scheduled to be completed by September 30, 2015. Plans include the construction of new concrete retaining walls, additional noise abatement walls, and full reconstruction of the Interstate 88/IL Route 59 interchange, making passage through this area quicker and safer.
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