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As a main artery for commuters in Naperville and Aurora, Illinois Route 59 has been a constant source of frustration for DuPage County drivers. More than 50,000 vehicles travel Route 59 each day. Heavy traffic often leads to delays of up to thirty minutes. Congested traffic along Route 59 has also led to numerous motor vehicle accidents, with as many as 400 traffic accidents recorded each year.

Kane County and DuPage County have seen extensive growth and urbanization in recent years, which has led to increased traffic along Route 59 and the surrounding corridor. To increase traffic flow and improve roadway safety, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has begun a construction project along Route 59 between Ferry Road and New York/Aurora Avenue in Naperville. The construction project began April 21, 2014, and is scheduled to be completed by September 30, 2015. Plans include the construction of new concrete retaining walls, additional noise abatement walls, and full reconstruction of the Interstate 88/IL Route 59 interchange, making passage through this area quicker and safer.
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